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Information for speakers/presenters/chairs

for speaker

As a speaker we expect you to:

  • Introduce yourself to the chair of your session before the session, so you are aware of and know each other
  • Check the presentation device of your choice during one of the breaks in the room you will be speaking in 1
  • Leave time for questions when planning your talk
  • Stick to the time limits given by the conference schedule


It is our intention to record all talks (slides + voice) plus the connected discussion, and make them available online for participants for a set period of time. If everyone agrees, we can later even upload them to Zenodo for a more general audience (with a DOI number), instead of proceedings. Before publication presenters will be contacted to blur or even remove sensitive slides / sections of the presentations.

for poster presenters

As a poster presenter we expect you to:

  • Inform yourself during which of the three poster sessions A (Monday), B (Tuesday) and C (Thursday) your contribution(s) has/have been assigned to 2
  • To hang your poster(s) yourself on the day of and before the start of respective poster session(s)
  • To remove your poster(s) yourself at the end of each poster session
  • To stick to the design / size limits when designing your poster(s):

posters to be presented at XRM2024 need to:

  • have portrait orientation
  • have a maximum size of A0

for session chairs

As a session chair we expect you to:

  • Introduce yourself to the speakers of your session before the session, so you are aware of and know each other
  • Remind the speakers to check the presentation device of their choice during one of the breaks in the room the session will be held in
  • Remind the video&audio responsible in the room to start the recording of the session
  • Welcome the audience to the session
  • Introduce each speaker
  • Moderate the questions after each talk
  • Enforce the time limits for talks and questions

  1. Konsertsalen will be used for presentations during the Tuesday lunch break ↩︎
  2. full lists of all conference contributions including assigned poster numbers will be send out to all participants latest by 5th of August ↩︎